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No Longer Breathing

I await
to awake,
from this odd dream,
from this long stream,
filled with memories,
of my family.
I want to leave this place,
I want the pain erased.
All is silent, all is dark,
I can't seem to disembark.
There is a light in the distance,
but I feel it slipping away.
Here, in the depths of my subconscious,
there is no such thing as night or day.
I can feel the waves crashing into me,
I feel like I might soon become unbound.
The temperature seems to be zero degrees,
the chill becomes profound as I am sucked down.
Spinning in circles, I am stuck in this whirlpool,
hurting me, swallowing me, the water is cruel.
Seeing through this amazingly clear water,
I glance down at the bottom of the abyss.
I cry out at the sight of my daughter,
and the others that I have sorely missed.
The whirlpool then changes direction,
forcing me upwards, it spirals out,
and then I see my reflection,
the image sharpening my doubt,
the doctors cannot save me,
but they want to set me free.
My slumber, so prolonged,
people think is just wrong.
All their hope is lost.
Too great is the cost.
No more dreaming,
No more breathing.
My life ceased,
I've found peace.

Views: 621


8 May 2024 ||
This website is copyrighted by Ian Hall (a.k.a Surfpup)