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Acrostic A-Z

Buckle your seat belt
'Cause you don't want to
Deal with the chance of being
Eradicated by another driver.
For not wearing a seat belt, this is what you get.
Got to go to the
Hospital now, or you may be
Immobilized permanently.
Just don't try to move your head.
Kidding, I am not,
Let the paramedics
Move you to the hospital.
Now you can be healed.
Options, you have not.
Recover, you will, over the years.
Slow and steady, don't be hasty.
Try your hardest, take your time.
Unique, you are, and I know you can do it.
Very difficult, it shall be for all of us.
Worry, we will. We are afraid of your death.
X-rays showed that it is possible for
You to recover.
Zesty and good, the pasta will taste, at the party of your recovery.


Wrote this for a poetry project in 8th grade.

Views: 744


8 May 2024 ||
This website is copyrighted by Ian Hall (a.k.a Surfpup)