A Magical CrownSunny and bright,
and filled with laughter,
was the long night,
and I didn't realize until after,
that there was a fight
which involved a child and a crafter.
Both lived in the Town of Sight,
also known as the twinkly, tinkly town.
It was called this when a certain Mr. Brown,
who had the skill to take a frown,
and turn it upside-down
better than a clown,
wanted to make a town
enchanted with a magical crown.
This crown brought joy
more powerful than a wizard's ploy
and when death came
the person would get fame.
No sorrow could come,
there was continuous fun.
But when the crown left,
there came alot of theft.
Darkness spread over the city,
affecting things as small as a kitty.
Now, it's the place where evil resides,
and worse than any of Hell's rides.
Scary, it is, to see children kill their mom
and consume her like the explosion of a bomb.
Now, I must find a way
to bring happiness to this cay
before it consumes the world
in darkness..
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