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Have a Merry Christmas

Hello everybody, Christmas is here!
Time to enjoy yourselves, don't have no fear.
Do not be sad, do not think about the past.
Just spend seven days or so having a blast!

Christmas is supposed to be a time of happiness and joy,
So please, do not ruin it for others, do not make a ploy,
The best thing to do when you're feeling grumpy or down,
is to try your very best in reversing that frown.

If you do not get any presents, do not fret,
you should know that love is the best thing you can get,
and if you have nobody's love, I understand how you feel.
Just try to make some friends, it's no big deal!

Views: 2243


8 May 2024 ||
This website is copyrighted by Ian Hall (a.k.a Surfpup)