Breaking The GlassWhy am I the only one who realizes the truth?
I'm really just a little kid sitting in a booth.
I don't know why everything seems so real,
so when I met this girl, I didn't know how to feel.
Why is everything so confusing?
I can't get out of here if I'm always losing.
I'm not sure how this came to be,
but I think it is creating everything I see.
So, why shouldn't I be breaking the glass
if all I'm really doing is sitting on my ass?
When I look deep down inside, I see why I always cry,
I know I'm not accomplishing anything, I might as well die!
So, how do I break this glass if all I see is false?
I feel that nothing bad can happen, what could be lost?
This interminable, unseeable glass cage
may yet end up feeling me and all of my rage!
So, here I am, breaking this glass. I knew I would find a way.
I can't wait to see the other side, to get out of this cay.
The real world may be a better place than the one I have known,
but it's possible it's not half as pretty as what the glass has shown.
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