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Today is the day when I ran out of luck,
I have no money, not even a buck,
my grades are rocketing down to zero,
my worst enemy is seen as a hero,
my girlfriend wants me to burn in hell,
my mother cannot wait to say farewell,
my best friend now thinks I'm a jerk-face,
my father beat the crap out of me with a mace,
my brother got convicted for possession of drugs,
my sister got raped by a bunch of thugs,
my grandmother died from a heart attack,
my grandfather fell and broke his back,
All I did was make one tiny error,
and now my life is nothing but terror.

Today is the day when I ran out of luck.

Views: 607


8 May 2024 ||
This website is copyrighted by Ian Hall (a.k.a Surfpup)