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This Direction We're Going In

In the alleyway, there was a little boy,
he never had any fun, he knew no joy,
around here, it was very hard to get food,
living off of others' scraps, he did all he could.

Right now, someone's in a bathroom getting high,
hating his life and wanting to die,
doing drugs so that he doesn't have to cry,
he does whatever he can to fly.

Someone just died trying to cross the street,
it's too bad that drunk driver couldn't see,
and now he is about to crash his Jeep.
It's sad how stupid some people can be.

Just now, somebody died due to lung failure,
after all the years of smoking that he had to endure,
I think there may actually be a cure:
Destroy all the companies that make this deadly allure.

Right this second, a girl is in her room crying,
after finding out about her boyfriend lying,
she is so badly depressed, she feels like dying,
It'll be a while before she starts smiling.

Someone right now is about to jump off a cliff,
all he wants is to drown in an abyss,
he knows that nobody cares whether he exists.
This is the one thing that could bring him bliss.

Right now, a man is under fire,
fighting for his country, many are inspired,
the battle quickly becomes dire,
and soon he is destroyed within the large spire.

Right now, somebody's cheating on his wife,
having secret joys all throughout the night,
his wife prepared herself with a deadly knife,
when he came home, there wasn't much of a fight.

At this moment, someone's writing a verse,
about how this world is so sadly cursed,
and how every single day it just gets worse.
This direction we're going in will never reverse.

Views: 582


8 May 2024 ||
This website is copyrighted by Ian Hall (a.k.a Surfpup)