Aneurysm in my Brain

I had an aneurysm in my brain,
And my arm felt a little bit of pain.
My arm, leg, and foot are all affected,
I can’t feel it at all to detected.

I was in the hospital
for at least six months after the stroke.
I couldn’t even do the movie theatrical,
And I always like Diet Coke.

I couldn’t even speak for a while,
but I am better than ever before.
My face was just yearning to smile,
And I also had a really bad back sore.

I can’t cry or mad anymore,
But I still have a laugh sometimes.
Mom and I went on the cruise to explore,
And I received 3 dollars through S’more!

My arm always has a brace,
But then, I had a surgery
on my arm to fix the wrist,
And Mom called important urgency.

I started the treadmill workout.
If you are interested, please check it out,
It has more pictures for the website list!

Then, my arm was really painful,
It was a while before my arm was fully recovered.
I discovered that I’m not undercover,
And some of the city is a discovery.

I have a lot of books that I cannot read,
because they have a lot of hard, weird names!
NaturalReader is the app that I use,
To help me with Text-to-Speech,
when it needs to be corrected.

I had a lot of loose boxes,
and I moved it and I fell,
And my foot hurt a lot as well!
I was in the hospital with mom,
And it was okay when I just needed some calm.

I was talking to the doctor about the foot,
And said, ‘go easy and put it on the brace.’
I have underwear that has Fruit Loops on them,
And Mom called the guy who mows the lawn.

I wanted to go to the beach,
But I cannot do that at all,
Because it is too hard to walk in the sand!

Now I love TV shows,
and I need to finish the season!
I can’t feel my right toes,
But I am walking a lot for a reason!

I have one-handed controller,
And I have a lot of controllers that I don’t use.
I bought two of the Controller Rails,
which is why the Joy-Con controller is nice to fit!

I also had a stroke 5K Race,
And I will not attend the Blue Hen 5K event.


  1. Joanna Maier

    I think it is really cool that you wrote this poem about your experiences after your aneurysm! I appreciate learning more about it. 🙂

  2. Julie

    This is great, Ian. Thanks for sharing about your journey in this poetic way. You are working really hard.

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